Along the way I did some traveling and got really involved in performing both stand up comedy and then improv. In college improv became a huge part of my life as I helped build UBC Improv and through that started promoting shows and getting hired to do shows and workshops. Skills I still use to this day. Over the last 2 years of college I was performing constantly.
Fast forward to 2007 and by day I work for a network security company as a part of their channel sales team ( If you would have told me ten years ago Iwould be a salesman at a technology company I would have laughed at you and then would have made fun of you for saying such a stupid thing, kicked you in the shin and then told everyone how stupid you were for saying such a thing. but here I am selling anti-virus/anti-spam software. So if that conversation did occur with anyone I am sorry.
I am still performing improv pretty regularly all over the lower mainland with a group I helped to start about a year ago ( Obviously improv does not pay the rent but it is a huge passion of mine and I still love to be in front of a crowd.
I have been married for 2 years to a wonderful lady I met at BCIT. We met at a meat draw (if you don't know what that is feel free to contact me) for the BCIT Marketing Association and the rest is history. To top that off.we are expecting our first child at the end of September. Yes, I am going to be a DAD and cannot wait. I recently felt it kick for the first time. AMAZING! We live in Burnaby.
As for hobbies - not much has changed for me. I am still a huge movie buff, and read quite a lot. I also like playing squash and working out (although I don't do it nearly enough) and yes. I still watch wrestling. Now that I am going to be a dad it will finally be socially acceptable for me to do so.

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