From Ole Miss she made her way to middle America. She lived in Indianapolis for a year, working at the NCAA where she experienced American collegiate athletics from the big money perspective. Sport biz contacts in Indy led her to Orlando where she completed a double Master’s degree in Sports Business Management and Business Administration, as well as running on-court contests for the Magic, and tanning on St. Pete Beach.
She passed one quick summer in New York City working for Major League Soccer and helping her random roommate with his evening job of club promoting by night, occasionally aided by besty Grace (Carter), who was living in NYC at the same time.
A move to Chicago came next. Sarah was miserable working in Corporate America during her first year in the Windy City. The office energy and bad traffic made her nauseous. Luckily she dropped the cubicle gig and found a Hawaiian company who suited her needs. The bio ends with Sarah returning to her soccer roots. She met her future husband playing coed on the south side of Chicago. The couple visited Germany last year for the World Cup, and followed it up with their wedding last August.
Last fall, Sarah moved back to Vancouver after spending 10 years south of the border. Still peddling sunglasses for the Hawaiian company, she is excited to reconnect with some old and some new friends.

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