e hënë, 4 qershor 2007


After graduating from Prince of Wales, Grace headed east for a long time. She spent 4.5 happy years at McGill, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature, edited the McGill Tribune, and fell in love with Ultimate.

In 2002, she transplanted to New York City, arriving at the dorm the same day she began her Master's degree in journalism at Columbia. The next day she found herself wandering the South Bronx, a rough, tough area which was to be her beat for the next three months. Life was exciting. Time passed. She wrote some stories, drank some beer, and suddenly, winter was over and the cherry blossoms were out again.

Living in Harlem was a riot, but as soon as school was over, she took the train down to the West Village, and moved into a sweet pad with her cousin. There, they spent many happy days sitting on the wide window ledge overlooking Washington Square Park, drinking red wine and singing (badly) and playing the acoustic guitar (also badly). During the day she helped edit a men's magazine known as FHM. In the evenings, she played Ultimate, or wandered the streets, taking in the zaniness of New York City.

After a time, Grace fell in love and moved to Los Angeles. The relationship ended, but her two years as an Angeleno taught her how to make hula hoops, homemade tortillas, and how to chant om when stuck in traffic.

Thus empowered, she has come full circle. Now happily ensconced in Vancouver again, Grace ekes out a modest existence as a writer and editor. In her spare time, she trail runs and rides her motorcycle.
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